Which foreign nationals are eligible to apply for an A-class work visa?

We know that there are classifications for foreigners working in China. The country classifies foreigners working in China into three categories: A, B, and C, and implements classification management according to standards. However, many foreigners are still unclear about what constitutes high-end talent (Class A). In fact, there are six major categories of high-end talents (Class A).

Ⅰ Selected for the Domestic Talent Introduction Program

Selected candidates for the talent introduction plan formulated by relevant departments

Ⅱ Compliant with internationally recognized professional achievement recognition standards

Mainly divided into four categories

1. Technology category
International scientific award winners, researchers, etc.

2. Outstanding Management Category
Top executives of Fortune 500 companies, heads of international research institutes, senior researchers, etc.

3. Cultural and artistic categories
World renowned experts or senior executives in the fields of music, art, film, literature, and other arts.

4. Sports category
Winners of awards in the World Cup, World Championships, and other important international competitions

Ⅲ Foreign talents who meet the requirements of market-oriented encouraged positions

1. Global or regional headquarters of Fortune 500 companies, high-tech enterprises, large enterprises, and personnel with senior management or technical positions employed

2. Personnel with senior management or technical positions or chief technical experts who meet relevant conditions employed by domestic and foreign medium-sized enterprises.

3. Senior management or technical personnel in domestic tertiary comprehensive hospitals or specialized hospitals in cities at or above the vice provincial level.

4. Hold senior management positions or associate professors, associate researchers, vocational school senior lecturers, senior internship supervisors, and other professional and technical positions at or above the senior level in higher education institutions and research institutions.

Ⅳ Innovative and entrepreneurial talents

1. The founder of a company who invests in independent intellectual property or proprietary technology such as major technological inventions and patents, has a stable investment situation for three consecutive years, has a cumulative actual investment of no less than 500000 US dollars, and holds no less than 30% of the company’s shares.

2. The chairman, legal representative, general manager, or chief technical expert of an enterprise who invests in independent intellectual property or proprietary technology such as major technological inventions and patents, and has a continuous annual sales revenue of more than 10 million yuan or an annual tax payment of more than 1 million yuan for three consecutive years.

3. Personnel with senior management or technical positions hired by units included in the list of innovative enterprises or science and technology innovation professions formulated by relevant provincial departments.

Ⅴ Excellent Young Talents
Young talents under the age of 40 engaged in postdoctoral research at high-level universities abroad (based on the list of world-renowned universities determined by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs) or at universities within China.

Ⅵ Points scored above 85
Points based evaluation refers to scoring based on educational background, Chinese proficiency, years of work experience, salary, and other factors. A total score of 85 or above is required to apply for A-level talent.

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